Workshop themes - invite Annah to teach

Annah at Danish Open Bellydance 2021
Photo by Thomas Buchberg

Annah teaches workshops on various themes and on any level, after your requests.

See below for some of the themes available, or contact Annah on if you have any thoughts or suggestions.

Theme suggestions

Free up your Improv

Annah shares from her long experience of improvised performance, with technique & exercises, musicality as something you can learn!, stagecraft tips, & tools for further practice.
Length: 1.5 - 3 hours. Level: Experienced & up

Shimmy Lab - technique, combinations, variations & layering.

Learn some of Annah's favorite/signature shimmy variations, enhance your technique, and deepen your ability to use shimmies in musical expression. We go through different types of shimmy with technique and illustrative combos, and try out variations in Raqs Sharqi, Baladi and Shaabi.
Length: 1,5-3 hours. Level: as requested.

Turns & Transitions

Explore technique, phrasing & variations of turns & transitions, to make your dance more fluid and to enhance your improvisation skills.
Length: 1,5 - 3 hours. Level: as requested.

Mejanse exploration - choreography, technique & music theory.

Annah explains the musical structure of the classic entrance piece format, together with music theory & history/context, and how this knowledge can be used both in choreography and improvisation. We learn a choreography to a beautiful mejanse piece + listen to some other examples of the format.
Min length 3 hours, preferrably 2 x 2 hours.
Level: Experienced & up (min 2-3 years of previous study)

Juicy Baladi - Interpretation & Technique

Style-specific technique & combinations, a choreographed example of how to interpret the music, and improvisation exercises to develop your own interpretation skills.
Length: 1,5-3 hours. Level: Intermediate and up

Grounded Hips

Annah is known for her grounded hipwork and has worked & studied extensively to break down the fundamentals of hip movements. This workshop can be a way for you to add to your technical range and your "toolbox" of hipwork movements & variations.
Length: 2-3 hours. Level: Experienced & up (2-3 years of previous studies or more)

Impro Lab - Arabic Song

Music theory, technique & combos, with focus on improvisation and on the treasure of songs commonly used in Egyptian Raqs Sharqi.
Length: 1.5-3 hours. Level: Experienced & up

Egyptian Folklore Primer

Annah gives an overview of & introduction to the various styles of Egyptian stage folklore, with technique, combinations and stylistic expressions. We also look into the history of stage folklore, how it relates to traditional dance forms like Ghawazee, Awalim & Raks Baladi, and the vast influence it has had on modern day Raqs Sharqi in Egypt (and the world).
Length: 2-4 hours. Level: Intermediate & up

Warda Song "Ahou Dah El Kalam

Annah teaches her choreography to this beautiful love song, sung by the 1 and only Warda, together with Raqs Sharqi technique & music theory.
Length: 3 hours. Level: Experienced/Advanced

Shaabi Old & New

We explore Shaabi music & how it's been used in dance performance, from the 1970's to today.
Length: 2-4 hours. Level: Intermediate & up

Fan veil "Entel Hob" Classical Fantasy

Annah teaches her beautiful fanveil choreography to classic song "Entel Hob", with related dance & fanveil technique.
Some previous experience of dancing with fanveils recommended.
Length: 3-4 hours. Level: Experienced & up

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